Fri 10 Jan
Lovely Leilani in Seattle This Week! Extremely Sensual & Down to Earth Healing - 33
(Capitol Hill, Near DownTown)
★ █ • HoT lUnCh SpEcIaLs ✰ AmAZINGLy AdDICTiVE • █ ★ - 22
(Seattle, kent des moines incall/ outcalls)
Lips 💋 hips 💥 fingertips ** Let me show you what REAL 'southern hospitality"is all about! MATURE * - 31
(Las Vegas)
______ _______★Lauren Love ★ HEAVENLY Body & N.A.U.G.H.T.Y As Sin ★Skin 2 Skin Upscαℓε & Reviewed★ - 22
(Portland, ____ 💋 Downtown Near PSU 💋 WELL REVIEWED)
💜 💜💜Dip Into Your WILD Side! 💜Meet the Playhouse Playmates💜💜💜MUST SEE!💜Open 24/7 - 21
(83rd Fremont, Portland)
♥ ♥ ♥ Breathe... Anticipate... Experience... Reflect... Smile ♥ ♥ ♥ - 45
(Portland, Vancouver I-205/Mill Plain)
—◆——◆—◆—ASIAN💟💟—◆—◆— —◆—◆—◆YOUNG GiRlS✅✅—◆—◆—◆—◆—◆— 4 H a n d❤S p e c i a l▂║☎║▃CALL:253-531-1111 - 21
(11601 Canyon Rd E Suite#105 Puyallup WA,, Tacoma)
******Delicious, Busty, Young Red Headed Beauty Available Now for FB Massage~Specials Avail***** - 20
(Olympia, YOUR PLACE-I Do NOT Host! Oly, Tac, Etc.)
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 💙New Young Girls come from Las Vegas for July 4th Holidays💙🌸🌸🌸🌸253-845-9665 - 21
(10116 116th St E #101. Puyallup WA 98373, Tacoma)
⚡️⚡️ Electrifying ⚡️⚡️ Sexy Sensual Rubs 💋💋 Busty Thick juicy Oily 💦💦 grab a hold of one today - 29
(Tacoma, Tacoma incall only)
Nia🍒🍉eXotic🍓🍇 PeRsiAN🍍🍏PLaYMaTe 🍒🍓🍍🍉 special 110/hh - 27
(Renton, seatac airport, auburn,, Seattle, Tacoma)
-:¦:- E r o t i c -:¦:- S e n s u a l -:¦:- T o u c h -:¦:- M a s s a g e -:¦:-
(Tacoma & Surrounding area's In & Out-)
Looking for some fun or to relieve some stress, well look no further!
(Bellingham, Everett, Moses Lake, Olympia, Pullman / Moscow, Seattle, Skagit County, Spokane, Tacoma, Tri-Cities, WA, Wenatchee, Yakima, City Location)
💋💋💋💋LOVELY GIRLS💋💋💋💋💋Enjoy Summer Special $100 with 2 girls💋💋💋💋💋 CALL NOW(☎)253-845-9665 - 21
(112 43rd ave sw ste101 puyallup wa98373, Tacoma)
My Exotic Body Rubs are Erotic, Explosive and No one does it as good as me. - 45
ღ ღ TRAVELING? ~Sensual Relaxation at it's Finest ; ) **SEXY Mature BLONDE** OUT/IN 10a-1a - 37
(Seattle, ~DT Seattle Outcall and Incall~)
✅➖💎Nurture Massage Spa🎀Table Shower💎➖✅262-765-9858 - 22
(21150W Capitol Dr #3 Brookfield WI 53008, Milwaukee)
Looking To Have A Wonderful Night Give Me A Text Or Call At 414-933-8728 - 22
(Milwaukee, SOUTH SIDE)
°°Marvelous TOPLESS Body Rub By Marissa°° **Weekend Specials** - 25
(Milwaukee, Safe South Side Location)
*:*Satisfaction Distreet & more to come $(*-*)!00 - 22
(Milwaukee, (NO RUSH Distreet Entertainment) incalls)
█ ★ █ ★ █★ █__Jasmine Foot Massage & Spa_- WITH GOOD PRICE █ ★ █ ★ █★ █ - 25
(Pacific Ave,Tacoma WA,98444, Tacoma)
((((( Let Me Rub You All The Way Down To Your Toe's baby's OR Curl Them ! - 36
(Tacoma, Tacoma out/calls call for appointment)
♡♥♡♥ Samantha ;-) in Puyallup/Graham area $99 hour ★Credit Card accepted - 27
(Puyallup, Puyallup/Graham)
💋💋💋💋LOVELY GIRLS💋💋💋💋💋Enjoy Summer Special $100 with 2 girls💋💋💋💋💋 CALL NOW(☎)253-845-9665 - 21
(112 43rd ave sw ste101 puyallup wa98373, Tacoma)
€R0T¡C 💦 SL¡PP€R¥ O¡L¥ 💦 B0D¥ 2 B0D¥ P@MP€R¡NG B¥ ⏳ ♓0uR GL@S§ ⏳ BU§T¥ BRuN€TT€ FB§M 💕 - 26
💟💟💟 Free table shower 💟💟💟Young Girls ✈️ Just Arrived 🍎 Many girls U can choose 🌸💋💋206-399-4173 - 21
(938 n 200th st suite A shoreline wa, Bellingham, Everett, Olympia, Seattle, Tacoma)
TANTRA. aLLoWs you rEcLaiM yOur SeNsUaLity, reNew a fEeLing oF CoMfoRt iN yOuR bOdy& pEaCe iN MiNd - 26
(Seattle, CaPitoL HiLL aSiaN GaRdeN oF ReLaXaTioN)
come*** experience me & my *** magic hands *** Sexy Mature - 30
(Seattle, seatac / Renton/S. Center)
Enjoy a focused and skilled sensual connection with a pretty blonde purveyor of pleasure.... - 38
(Southwest Portland, WESTSIDE, private location)
★.•*¨¨*•- ☆ CLiCK HERE• —°👙🎀💄IF YoU• —❤️💕💋•DeSeRvE tO• —❤️💕💋Be PaMpErEd - 23
█ TREAT YOURSELF to PLEASURE TODAY! █ Touch by Blond, Busty GODDESS LILITH █ Harvard BA/Stanford MA - 41
(Seattle, Beautiful Ballard, Seattle)
Treat yourself to an experienced, mature woman with sexy curves and a vivacious personality - 38
(Renton, Renton incall)
░▓░ * 💗.•* {◕ ◡ ◕} 🎠🎠🎠 ★ Welcome ★Grand Opening Sweet Relaxation ★ * 💗.•* {◕ ◡ ◕} 🎠🎠🎠 ░▓░ - 27
(Renton, Seattle seatac)
Thu 09 Jan
Up Early! Early Morning Specials!Get to know a Real Woman! Lets spend some time together! - 36
(Tri-Cities, WA, Richland/pasco/kenniwick)
✿✿ ▂ TRY ME ▂ ✿✿ ▂ Walking Massage ▂✿✿ Soft Touch ✿✿ ▂Awesome Service▂***** CALL NOW ☎ 253-620-0555 - 19
( ♥ UNdRESS a ViCT0RiA SeCReT M0DeL At EMERALD CiTY SPA ♥ :: ( ♥ TAC0MA'S #1 BuSTy PLaYMaTeS ♥ ) - 69
💦💦 STOP 💦💦 ▁▁ ╚ Dont Waste your time ╝▁▁ Come to me ◥ *☆* THE REAL DEAL *☆* ☎253.845.9665 - 20
SC0RE a T0UCHD0WN with MY SLIPPERY RUBD0WN ❤ • ▃💋▃ • ❤ • BUSTY BL0NDE • ❤ • ▃💋▃ • ❤ • - 27
(Federal Way ♥ INCALL♥ 100$, Tacoma)
specials♡Fresh out the shower but still dripping♡₩ ett Ready to slide & glide '253~213~0583 - 28
♡♡♡You deserve the best don't you? What's your Fantasy?♡♡♡ - 46
(Lynnwood, Bothell, Kirkland, Eastside, Seattle)
Wildly Sensuous, Drop-dead Beautiful Cassandra ♥ Visiting 7/6 - 7/10 - 27
(Capitol Hill/Downtown, Seattle)
WestSeattle JANIE with aHeavenly Touch...Hello Gentlemen Come let me Rub You The Right Way - 25
(WestSeattle or YourLocation?)