Thu 02 Jan
$ $ $ Late Night & EaRlY BiRd SpEciAL $ $ $ EXOTIC SeXY BlOnDe ¯`'•.¸ Shannon 4054028306 off I-35 - 38
(Oklahoma City, west okc n surrounding area)
Mixed & Exotic! Come to the wild side and enjoy and experience a real women! Active & Available now! - 20
(Oklahoma City, Okc)
•°• Lets MaKe Your FanTaSy a ReALiTy... ToNiTe Is Going To Be UnFoRgEtAbLe!!! •°• - 29
(Oklahoma City, NE OKC & ALL Surrounding Areas)
MZ.ICY .... the dream come true .... 75$ incall specials **UNRUSHED & NO UP-SELLS** real pixs - 22
(Oklahoma City, N.W. OKC INCALL ONLY)
MOORE,OK♥☎CoCo The One Nd Only★☆For Mr. Lonely♚ 100%REAL PICS✔★☆★ - 20
(Oklahoma City, Moore, Oklahoma)
◇◆◇◆★◆◇◆Massages by Myra Monroe. 405 243 2220 call or text ◆◇◆◇◆★◆◇◆ - 29
(MIDWEST CITY, Oklahoma City)
#1_____Im just Your Cup Of TEA Scottsdale N. Phx.... #1 Choice - 23
(Phx North, n valley cave creek rd)
CLASSY COLLEGE GIRL with N*A*U*G*H*T*Y Thoughts !!!!! @@@@ Saturday FUN @@@@@@@@@@@ - 21
(Phx North, OUTCALL)
!$exy, Fun, and Freaky 21 Year Old Ebony mix Goddess!!! - 24
(Oklahoma City, Okc & surrounding areas)
~~ **FaCe Of An AnGeL ** // BoDy Of A GoDDeSS // ** So SiNfuLLy SeXxY ** ~~ - 24
(Oklahoma City, OKC, Outcall Only)
Best @$$ in KC and I'm ready to prove it! Put ME to the test! - 26
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)
Back in KC for a short time only.. Tall brunette hottie.. gorgeous face stunning body - 28
(Kansas City, s.kc)
hi gentlemen, this is Star and jade and we are back in town. .so come get me. ..21 - 21
(Oklahoma city)
°*ஐ*° F L A W L E S S *ஐ*° P E T I T E *ஐ*° 1 0 0 % M E*ஐ*° - 21
(outcalls, Okc and surrounding)
*** ##*** DriPPin WeT ***##** POrNsTaR **##** NO HASSLE GOT REVIEWS !!!! - 22
(LOVE TO TRAVEL/guthrie.stillwater)
! ⇨√ ÅddI©+!V€ ⇨√ F®e@K¥ ⇨√ Super SeXy ⇨R€ÂП TÕ ⇨ §ÂTi§F¥!! - 19
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma OUTCALLS)
$ Cuban Dream $ Juicey As iT Gets!! $ Asssstonishing!! Wanna Butter these biscuits?!? - 20
(in/out 70qv 100hf 180hr negotiable, Oklahoma City)
™EXtrEmEly SeXy EbONy GoDdEsS!!! • ThIcK • 38 DD'S!!!• Incall $pecials!!™ - 30
(Oklahoma City, INCALL/OUTCALLS Okc, surrounding areas)
-:¦:- Erotic and Pleasurable for all you who "Dare" to enter my realm !!, -:¦:- - 19
(oklahoma city,ok)
♥FETISH FREAKY♥ ExOtIc ♥ JUICY BOOTY ♥ IN n OUT Specials ♥AmaZinG SkIllZ!! ♥ - 23
(Oklahoma City, okc ( in and out yukon must edmond))
【Curvy】 ✓【 Beautiful】 ✓【Unrushed】 ✓ 【Satisfaction】 ✓ WORTH IT😘😘😘 - 26
Erotic and Sensual COLLEGE GIRL - **Special Tonight** - 19
(In town, Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
► E X O T I C- *ღ* U P S C A L E_ *ღ* P L A Y M A T E◄ - 23
(Oklahoma City, Okc & Surrounding Areas)
*☆* CUTE FACE *☆* •100% REAL PICS*☆* NICE BODY *☆ *🍰 SW££T & SuPEr T¡GHT ExOT¡C B0MbShELL☆* - 23
(Oklahoma City, OKC ❤️Wherever you want meINCALL-NW OKC)
✨🌼✨🌼✨ Exotic PlayMate✨🌼✨🌼✨ 100% REAL✨🌼✨🌼✨ Best Lips!😍😍😍😍😍 Curvey Hips!😍😍😍😍😍 ️Call Me! ✨🌼✨🌼✨🌼 - 24
(N I-35, Oklahoma City)
ATTENTION ------- NeW HoT ExoTic ChiCK LeaVing SaturDay MoRning! --------- CaLL NoW! --------------- - 23
(Kansas City, Plaza In or Your Place)
ClAsS¥ ** SeXy ** FrEaK¥ ** FriEnDl¥ ** I ♥ WhAt I Do & It ShOwS ** CaLL NoW ** - 23
(Oklahoma City, incall/ outcall)
【Curvy】 ✓【 Beautiful】 ✓【Unrushed】 ✓ 【Satisfaction】 ✓ WORTH IT😘😘😘 - 24
(Oklahoma City, OUTCALLS ONLY)
👣👣Exquisite Royalty Treatment💖💞Early Evening Specials👣👣 - 25
(OKC & Surrounding areas, Oklahoma City)
Back in kansas city call me now booking appointments 316-670-6636 - 24
(dowtown and surrounding area)
DiScOuNtS🎥 Don't Miss Out🍦OuTcALLs 🍭InCaLLs 🍬 Don't 🍧 miss 🍯 out, 🍒 🍨SpECiaLs !💵 - 25
(Oklahoma City, OUTCALLS & INCALLS $20 off if you show u)